IEC SB RAS - Elena V. Saranina

Elena V. Saranina

Scope of expertise: isotopic geology of Cenozoic volcanic rocks of Central and East Asia.

  1. Ivanov, A.V., Rasskazov, S.V., Tchebykin E.P., Markova M.E., Saranina E.V., 2000. Y/Ho in the Late Cenozoic basalts from the eastern Tuva: an ICP–MS study. Geostandards Newsletter: The Journal of Geostandards and Geoanalysis. V. 24, (2), 197–204.
  2. Rasskazov, S.V., Logatchev, N.A., Ivanov, A.V., Boven, A.A., Maslovskaya, M.N., Saranina, E.V.,  Brandt, I.S.,  Brandt, S.B., 2001. Magmatic episode of 17–19 Ma B.P. in the West Rift of Eastern Africa and its geodynamic significance. Doklady Earth Sciences. V. 381, (8), 921-924.
  3. Martynov, Yu.A., Chashchin, A.A., Rasskazov, S.V., Saranina, E.V. Late Miocene-Pliocene basaltic volcanism in the south of the Russian Far East as an indicator of the lithospheric mantle heterogeneity in the continent-ocean transition zone // Petrology. 2002. V. 10 (2). P. 165–183.
  4. Rasskazov, S.V., Bowring, S.A., Housh, T., Demonterova, E.I., Logatchev, N.A., Ivanov, A.V., Saranina, E.V., Maslovskaya, M.N. The Pb, Nd, and Sr isotope systematics in heterogeneous continental lithosphere above a convecting mantle domain. Doklady Earth Sciences. 2002. V. 387A (9), 1056–1059.
  5. Rasskazov, S.V., Ivanov, V.V., Khanchuk, A.I., Chashchin, A.A., Fefelov, N.N., Saranina, E.V., 2002. Isotopic heterogeneity of lead in galena from ore deposits in the Primor’e region. Doklady Earth Sciences. V. 387A, (9), 1083-1087.
  6. Rasskazov, S.V., Saranina, E.V., Demonterova, E.I., Maslovskaya, M.N., Ivanov, A.V., 2002. Mantle components in Late Cenozoic volcanics of the East Sayan (from Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopes). Geologiya i Geofizika. V. 43 (12), 1065–1079 (in Russian).
  7. Rasskazov, S.V., Saranina, E.V., Logachev, N.A., Ivanov, A.V., Demonterova, E.I., Maslovskaya, M.N., 2002. The DUPAL mantle anomaly of the Tuva-Mongolian Massif and its paleogeodynamic implication. Doklady Earth Sciences. V. 382 (1), 44–48.
  8. Ivanov, A.V., Rasskazov, S.V., Maslovskaya, M.N., Demonterova, E.I. , Brandt, I.S., Brandt, S.B., Saranina, E.V., Markova, M.E., Koshkov Y.V., Pipich, A.V., 2003. Early Jurassic age and middle-late Jurassic tectonic unruffing of granitoid basement in the Amur-Zeya depression: Rb–Sr and K–Ar isotopic data. Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya. V. 22, (4), 83–92 (in Russian).
  9. Rasskazov, S.V., Logatchev, N.A., Ivanov, A.V., Boven, A.A., Maslovskaya, M.N., Saranina, E.V., Brandt, I.S., Brandt, S.B. A magmatic episode in the Western Rift of East Africa (19–17 Ma). Russian Geology and Geophysics. 2003. V. 44 (4), 377–314.
  10. Rasskazov, S.V., Maslovskaya, M.N., Skopintsev, V.G., Saranina, E.V., Ilyasova, A.M., Sizukh, Yu.I. Late Paleozoic subalkaline and rare-metal granitoids in the southeastern East Sayan: Geochemical signature and Rb-Sr isotope systematics // Russian Geology and Geophysics. 2003. V. 44 (11). P. 1093–1103.
  11. Rasskazov, S.V., Prikhodko, V.S., Saranina, E.V., Brandt, I.S., Brandt, S.B., Maslovskaya, M.N., Yasnygina, T.A., Semenova, V.G., Travin, A.V., 2003. Spatial-temporal variations of mantle and crustal components in late Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Middle Amur basin, South-East Russia. Tikhokeanskaya Geologiya. V. 22, (3), 3–27 (in Russian).
  12. Rasskazov, S.V., Saranina, E.V., Martynov, Yu.A., Chashchin, A.A., Maksimov, S.O.,  Brandt, I.S.,  Brandt, S.B., Maslovskaya, M.N., Kovalenko, S.V., 2003. Evolution of Late Cenozoic magmatism at active continental margin of South Primorye. Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya. (1), 92–109 (in Russian).
  13. Rasskazov, S.V., Yasnygina, T.A., Saranina, E.V., Maslovskaya, M.N., Fefelov, N.N.,  Brandt, S.B., Brandt, I.S., Kovalenko, S.V., Martynov, Yu.A., Popov, V.K., 2004. Middle-Late Cenozoic magmatism at the continental margin of the Japan Sea basin: pulse melting of the mantle and the crust of Southwest Primorye. Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. V. 23, (6), 3–31.
  14. Rasskazov, S.V., Mel’nikov, O.A., Rybin, A.V., Gur’yanov, V.A., Yasnygina, T.A., Brandt, I.S., Brandt, S.B., Saranina, E.V., Maslovskaya, M.N., Fefelov, N.N., Zharov A.E., 2005. Spatial change of deep sources for Cenozoic volcanic rocks in western coast of South Sakhalin. Russian Journal of Pacific Geology 24 (2), 10–32.
  15. Chuvashova, I.S., Rasskazov, S.V., Yasnygina, T.A., Saranina, E.V., Fefelov, N.N., 2007. Holocene volcanism in central Mongolia and Northeast China: Asynchronous decompressional and fluid melting of the mantle. Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. V. 1 (6). P. 372–396.
  16. Rasskazov, S.V., Ilyasova, A.M., Konev, A.A., Yasnygina, T.A., Maslovskaya, M.N., Fefelov, N.N., Demonterova, E.I.,  Saranina, E.V., 2007. Geochemical evolution of the Zadoi alkaline-ultramafic massif, Cis-Sayan area, Southern Siberia. Geochemistry International. V. 45 (1), 1–14.
  17. Rasskazov, S.V., Chuvashova, I.S., Yasnygina, T.A., Saranina, E.V., Fefelov, N.N.,  Brandt, I.S.,  Brandt, S.B., 2008. Slab and above slab Late Cenozoic melts at zones of convergent boundaries in Asia and East Hangay, Central Mongolia. Proceedings of the Irkutsk State University. Series of "Earth Sciences". (1), 43–67.
  18. Chuvashova, I.S., Rasskazov, S.V., J. Liu, F. Meng, Yasnygina, T.A., Fefelov, N.N., Saranina, E.V., 2009. Isotope-enriched components in evolution of the Late Cenozoic potassic magmatism in Heilongjiang province, Northeast China. Proceedings of the Irkutsk State University. Series of Earth Sciences. V. 2, (2), 181–198.
  19. Rasskazov, S.V., Prikhod’ko, V.S., Yasnygina, T.A., Fefelov, N.N., Saranina, E.V., Voinova, I.P., Brandt, S.B. Mantle sources of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Lake Kizi region on the Eastern Sikhote Alin. Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2010. V. 4 (5), 441–459.
  20. Rasskazov, S.V., Yasnygina, T.A., Fefelov, N.N., Saranina, E.V. Geochemical evolution of Middle-Late Cenozoic magmatism in the northern part of the Rio Grande rift, Western United States // Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2010. V. 4 (1). P. 13–40.
  21. Rasskazov, S.V., Chuvashova, I.S., Liu, Ya., Meng, F., Yasnygina, T.A., Fefelov, N.N., Saranina, E.V. Proportions of lithospheric and asthenospheric components in Late Cenozoic K and K–Na lavas in Heilongjiang Province, Northeastern China. Petrology. 2011. V. 19 (6), 568–600.
  22. Rasskazov, S.V., Chuvashova, I.S., Yasnygina, T.A., Fefelov, N.N., Saranina, E.V., 2012. Potassic and potassic–sodic volcanic series in the Cenozoic of Asia. Novosibirsk Academic Publishing House "GEO", 351 p.
  23. Rasskazov, S.V., Menshagin, Yu.V., Yasnygina, T.A., Ilyasova, A.M., Saranina, E.V., Skopintsev, V.G., 2013. The Hushagol polychronios massif: heterogeneous sources of Paleozoic alkali syenites and granites in Eastern Sayans, South Siberia. Lithosphere. (4), 88–109.
  24. Rasskazov, S.V., Chuvashova, I.S., Mikolaichuk, A.V., Sobel, E.R., Yasnygina, T.A., Fefelov, N.N., Saranina, E.V. Lateral change of sources for the Cretaceous-Paleogene magmatism of the Tian Shan. Petrology. 2015. V. 23 (3), 281–308.
  25. Chuvashova I.S., Rasskazov, S.V., Yasnygina T.A., Fefelov N.N., Saranina E.V., Rudneva, N.A., 2015. Mid-Miocene sequences of high- and moderate-Mg volcanic rocks in Vitim Plateau, Southern Siberia: impact of a sub-lithospheric convective material on the lithosphere. Geodynamics & Tectonophysics 6 (1), 91–125. doi:10.5800/GT-2015-6-1-0174.
  26. Yasnygina, T.A., Rasskazov, S.V., Markova, M.E., Zharov, A.E., Malykh, Yu.M., Saranina, E.V., Fefelov, N.N. Trace elements and Sr isotopes in the crude oils from the Sakhalin offshore fields. Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2015. V. 9 (2), 109–119.

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1949 and USSR Academy of Sciences Presidium Decree, dated February 24, 1949 as a response to the foundation of the Branch. It was renamed into the East-Siberian Geological Institute in 1957; since 1962, it had been known as the Institute of the Earth’s Crust SB AS USSR and obtained its current name in 1992.

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