The Institute was and is an active participant of the international geological-geophysical programs sponsored by the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG): Upper Mantle of the Earth (1965–1970), Geodynamic Project (1971–1980), Lithosphere (1981-1999), and International Geological Correlation Program (IGCP) under the guidance and patronage of the International Union of Geological Sciences.
The Institute was the central institution for the Russian part of the Soviet-Russian-Mongolian Geophysical Expedition of RAS and MAS whose participants were not only the Russian and Mongolian but also the American and French scientists.
For a time, the Institute was running its International Centre for Active Tectonics and Natural Disasters with the participation of scientists from the universities of Belgium, France and Germany, and from the Academy of Geological Sciences of China.
The Institute has two dissertation councils for achieving the academic degree of Doctor of Science: D 003.022.02 (general and regional geology; geotectonics and geodynamics; petrology, volcanology; geophysics and geophysical exploration activities) and D003.022.01 (hydrogeology; engineering geology, permafrost and soil studies).