Scope of expertise: Regional seismicity and present-day stress-strain state of the Earth’s crust in Baikal region and Mongolia.
Granin N.G., Radziminovich N.A., Kucher K.M., Chechel`nitskii V.V., 2014. Generation of Lake Baikal level oscillations by remote strong earthquakes. Doklady Earth Sciences, volume 455, issue 1, pp. 331 – 335.
Radziminovich N., Gileva N.A., Melnikova V.I., Ochkovskaya M.G. Seismicity of the Baikal rift system from regional network observations // Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2013, vol.62, p.146-161.
Radziminovich N.A., Ochkovskaya M.G. 2013. Identification of earthquake aftershock and swarm sequences in the Baikal rift zone. Geodynamics & Tectonophysics 4 (2), 169–186. doi:10.5800/GT2013420096.
Granin N.G., Radziminovich N.A., Granina L.Z., Blinov V.V., Gnatovskiy R.Y. Freshening of near-bottom waters in Lake Baikal triggered by the Mw6.2 Kultuk earthquake of August 2008 // Geo-Marine Letters, Volume 32, Issue 5 (2012), p.453-464 DOI 10.1007/s00367-012-0302-2
Radziminovich, Ya.B., Mel'nikova, V.I., Seredkina, A.I., Gileva, N.A., Radziminovich, N.A. & Papkova, A.A. (2012). – The Balei earthquake of 6 January 2006 (Mw=4.5): A rare case of seismic activity in eastern Transbaikalia. – Russian Geology and Geophysics, 53(10), 1100 – 1110.
Mel'nikova, V.I., Radziminovich, Y.B., Gileva, N.A., Radziminovich, N.A. & Papkova, A.A. (2011). – The January 6, 2006, Balei earthquake as a reflection of the present tectonic activity of the east Trans-Baikal Region. – Doklady Earth Sciences, 437(2), 552 – 556.
Radziminovich, N.A., 2010. Focal depths of earthquakes in the Baikal region: a review. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth 46 (3), 216–229. DOI: 10.1134/S1069351310030043
Mel'nikova, V.I., Gileva, N.A., Masal’skii, O.K., Radziminovich, Y.B. & Radziminovich, N.A. (2009). – On generation conditions of strong earthquakes in southern Baikal. – Doklady Earth Sciences, 429A(9), 1483 – 1487.
Berzhinsky Yu.A., Ordynskaya A.P., Gladkov A.S., Lunina O.V., Berzhinskaya L.P., Radziminovich N. А., Radziminovich Ya.B., Imayev V.S., Chipizubov A.V., Smekalin O.P. Application of ESI-2007 scale for estimating the intensity of the Kultuk earthquake, August 27, 2008 (South Baikal) Problems of engineering seismology, 2009, т.36. № 3. с.5-26 (in Russian).
Melnikova V.I, Gileva N.A., Rad ziminovich N.A., Masalskiy O.K., Chechelnickiy V.V. Seismicity of the Baikal rift zone for the digital recording period of earthquake observation (2001-2006) Problems of engineering seismolog, 2009. Т. 36. № 1. С. 40 -55 (in Russian).
Radziminovich Ya.B., Imaev V.S., Radziminovich N.A., Ruzhich V.V., Smekalin O.P., Chipizubov A.V. The August 27, 2008, Mw=6.3, Kultuk earthquake effects in the near-epicenter zone: macroseismic survey results Problems of engineering seismolog, 2009. Т. 36. № 1. С.56-71 (in Russian).
Arzhannikova, A.V., Melnikova, V.I. & Radziminovich, N.A. (2007). – Late Quaternary and current deformation in the western Tunka system of basins:structural, geomorphic, and seismoloigical evidence. – Russian Geology and Geophysics, 48(4), 305-311.
Melnikova, V. I., & Radziminovich, N. A. (2007). – Parameters of seismotectonic deformations of the Earth’s crust in the Baikal rift zone based on seismological data. – Doklady Earth Sciences, 416(7), 1137 – 1139.
Melnikova V. I., RadziminovichN. A., Gileva N. A.,Chipizubov A.V., Dobrynina A.A., 2007. Activation of Rifting Processes in the Northern Cis-Baikal Region: A Case Study of the Kichera Earthquake Sequence of 1999. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 11, pp. 905–921.
Radziminovich N. A., Melnikova V. I., San`kov V. A., Livi K.G., 2006. Seismicity and seismotectonic deformations of the crust in the Southern Baikal basin. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, Vol. 42, issue 11, pp. 904–920.
Radziminovitch N., Déverchère J., Melnikova V., San`kov V. and Giljova N., 2005. The 1999 Mw 6.0 earthquake sequence in the Southern Baikal rift, Asia, and its seismotectonic implications // Geophysical Journal International. 161, рр. 387-400. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02604.x
N.A. Radziminovich, S.O. Balyshev, V.A. Golubev, 2003. Earthquake Focal Depth and Crustal Strength in the Baikal Rift. Russian Geology and Geophysics 44(11), 1214-1223.
Delouis B., Deverchere J., Melnikova V., Radziminovitch N., Loncke L., Larroque C., Ritz J.F. and San`kov V., 2002. A reappraisal of the 1950 (Mw 6.9) Mondy earthquake, Siberia, and its relationship to the strain pattern at the south-western end of the Baikal rift zone// Terra Nova, 14, 491-500.
Devershere J.,Petit C., Gileva N., Radziminovitch N., Melnikova V., Sankov V. Depth distribution of earthquakes in the Baikal rift system and its implications for the rheology of the lithosphere.// Geophysical Journal International, 2001, 146, p.714-730.