Title:Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) (1982)Division:Laboratory of Geology and Magmatism of Ancient PlatformsPosition:Leading ResearcherOffice:432Phone: +73952425434
Scope of expertise: Geodynamics and volcanism of continental rift zones.
Kiselev A.I., Ernst R.E., Yarmolyuk V.V., Egorov K.N. Radiated rifts and dyke swarms of the middle Paleozoic Yakutsk plume of eastern Siberian craton // Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2012. V. 45. No 2. P. 1-16.
A.I. Kiselev, V.V. Yarmoluk, K.N. Egorov. Devonian magmatism in the Siberian craton: relationships to mantle-plume activity /Large Igneous Provinces of Asia, Mantle plumes and Metallogeny: Abstracts of the International Simposium. Novosibirsk: Sibprint. – 2009. – P. 154-156.
Egorov K.N., Minayeva Yu.A., Kiselev A.I., Men’shaguin Yu.V. Potassic magmatism within the Southern Siberian platform: magmatic sources, geodynamics and diamond potential // Large Igneous Provinces of Asia, Mantle plumes and Metallogeny: Abstracts of the International Simposium. Novosibirsk: Sibprint. 2009. P. 99-101.
Egorov K.N., Kiselev A.I., Minayeva Yu.A. Regional peculiarities of lamproite and kimberlite magmatism of the southwestern Siberian platform // XXVII Intern. conf. School “Geochemistry of alkaline rocks”. Abstract volume. 2010. P. 34-36.
Tonkikh М.Е., Egorov K.N., Kiselev A.I. Peculiarities of the Absk intrusion traps and their formation conditions (Siberian platform) // The 18Th Kerulien International Conference of Geology (KICG). New Research Progress on the Resources Exploration and Ecological Environment in Central Asia. 20-23 September, 2013. Shijiazhuang City, CHINA. P. 39.