Scope of expertise: study of thermal stability and color change of minerals, experimental modeling of dynamic fluid systems. Since 2014 – a managing editor of Geodynamis & Tectonophysics Journal.
Medvedev V.Ya., Ivanova L.А., Lysov B.А., Ruzhich V.V., Marchuk М.V. 2014. Experimental study of decompression, permeability and healing of silicate rocks in fault zones. Geodynamics & Tectonophysics 5 (4), 905–917. doi:10.5800/GT-2014-5-4-0162.
Marchuk, M. V., Ivanova, L. A., Medvedev, V. Y., 2009, The formation of copper-bearing gold in a fluid regime: Doklady Earth Sciences, v. 426, no. 4, p. 649-651.
Ivanova, L. A., Medvedev, V. Y., Pochekunina, M. V., 2007. Specific features of the formation of fayalite in reduced systems: Doklady Earth Sciences, 417 (9), 1359-1361.
Shchegol'kov, Y. V., Tauson, V. L., Medvedev, V. Y., Pochekunina, M. V., Ivanova, L. A., and Lipko, S. V., 2007, Interaction of elemental gold surface with fluids: A key to understanding mechanisms of recondensation and mobilization of gold under endogenic and exogenic conditions: Doklady Earth Sciences, 413 (2), 244-247.